Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here's to what we DO have! Cheers!

Well, I wish I had some pictures of my kids to post, but today I don't. Yesterday, I was talking with my friend- we'll call her Lori who said, " I have been in a bad mood for a month!" Well, I think I have been in a "Bad Mood" for longer than that! There is sure a lot of depressing things going on in the world, even within our families and friends. I have been thinking a lot and trying to make sense of it all- of course I don't have any answers yet- but I was reading this article my Mom gave me today, (it was concerning Financial Freedom,) and it had the 10-10-80 plan. It said for you to put 10% of your income in savings, then 10%- you give to a charity, then you make do with the other 80%. It said that even though you may be having a hard time financially, giving away something each month, makes you even that much more grateful for what you have.

And so, I am grateful for my good family and friends (who keep me sain- daily and joke with me, make me smile, and watch out for me,) a roof over my head, a job and my darling girls- who are so sassy I could just ground them forever- but in the next minute have me laughing my guts out!

With this all said, and nothing really being solved- I leave you with a thought my Dad and Grandma Deon have always told me, "Keep your Chins up- this too shall pass!"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What do ya think- do we look like sisters?

Is something missing from Coz?

Yes, today when I went in to get Alecia up from her nap- she was naked from the bottom down. I told her if she did it again, she was going to have to get potty trained. I sure told her! Just Kidding! Gotta love the stages of life!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Time!

On the second Sunday of every month, Nathaniel's family gets together for dinner. This time the ideas was that everyone was to bring a pumpkin and decorate them. The kids loved it. What is that that Katelin created? No one knows- but she had a blast!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't mess with the Coz!

Cozy is not quite 17 months old yet, but she is a spit fire. Today at Daycare she went down the slide and sat at the end of it with her arms folded and her face stating, ' If you want me to move, you gonna have to make me!' Well all the little kids were telling her to move, so Tonya had to finally come and move her- what a pill!!!

Little moments that touch the heart!

I don't know what it is with kids and bad dreams- but a lot of that seems to be going around. Well, Katelin ended sleeping on our floor for some of the night last night- then when I got up and started getting ready, she took my place in my bed. Well, I just saw her peaceful, beautiful face sleeping and I stood there and watched her. It is always in those moments, (when they're asleep,) that I appreciate my girls, and remember how much I love them. So, I snapped a picture of Sleeping Beauty to share with all of you!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Should we tell her she's backwards?

I feel like I have had a lot of pictures of Coz lately- but she's done so many crazy things. When I saw her getting into the old walker backwards, I wondered if I should correct her, but then I saw she liked so I thought, 'Why spoil her fun!'