Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yes, she can climb!

So, Alecia has been throwing these major melt down temper tantrums! So I have been putting her in her room for 1 minute. She quickly forgets why she is in there and makes her own fun! Well, in 60 seconds, she figured out how to climb to the top of the changing table. Then she got stuck once in the middle! Needless to say, we disassembled the changing table, so she won't break a leg while she is in "time out!"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Apparently, McDonald's causes BR!

Well, the other day Katelin was asking someone, "How come you don't like to go to McDonald's to eat?" Well, the person replied, "I don't like to eat there because it give me Butt Rash!" Katelin replied with a simple, "Oh." Little did that person know that it would be locked into her memory forever! So today we were having a yard sell with my whole family and Grandpa offered to head to McDonald's to get breakfast. Well Katelin perks right up and says, "Oh Grandpa, I'd better go and help you incase you get Butt Rash!" Needless to say we all cracked up. However, to this person, and you know who you are, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cozy's Personality!

So, I have to say that I love the girls' day care provider! Her name is Tonya Fails. Her family adores my girls, and our families have become great friends. I especially love that Tonya shares stories about my girls and the cute things they do. Among the most recent: (Well to get you up to speed, a few weeks ago Alecia was bit by a kid from day care, so this is her revenge!) This boy, the offender, was playing with something that Alecia really wanted to play with. So, Alecia didn't hit, she didn't bite, or scream. She just turned her back to him as he was playing on the floor. Well, she started backing up on him, (literally on him,) until he was backed out of the way and she got what she wanted! What a smart little girl!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Working hard!

This cracked me up when Katelin was working at the table doing her "homework" and I saw Alecia trying to do just what big sister was doing! How dang funny!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Thanks to Lisa which in turn I suppose thanks to Bonnie for teaching us about the new templates. They rock! Now maybe someone knows how to add more fonts????

Katelin and Aspen- the trouble twins!

Katelin and Aspen always have some kind of plan that they conspire when they are together. This time they wanted to fill up buckets to water Grandma Pugh's plastic grass. But Grandma, spoiled them with an even bigger bucket and let them have at it! By the end, all the kids were soaked, and the fake grass looked like a monsoon had just hit it!

What a happy girl!!

Just look at this cute girl! She is really a great little girl- easy to please. Don't worry she still throws her fits and holds her own with her big sister- but she is usually content!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My 4 year-old Princess!

This beautiful picture of Katelin was taken this Summer at Balboa Park. Isn't she a beautiful girl! I am a lucky Mom to have two little Princesses!

We're selling our car!

We sold it! We're both kinda sad, because it was the first car we bought together! But we're glad too! It is one less thing to have to worry about.

I wanna be like Katelin!

Today Alecia brought me Katelin's clothes and then showed me that she was putting it on her head. So, after contemplating this action for a while, I preceeded to dress her in Katelin's clothes, and man was she happy! She just wants to be big!

Summer Fun!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Katelin, Alecia, David, and Emma enjoying the summer. They were playing in the sprinklers and got cold, so they layed on the sidewalk to get warm!

This is us!

I've never blogged- so I am just starting with a picture of us! Mind you this picture is about 1 year old and my how things have changed. But, at least you get the general idea!